Output Images

Here is where you can manage, edit, and archive all your outputted images

Bulk generate images:

In the previous section, we’ve mentioned how to generate single images under the “Templates” menu. Here, we can generate images in bulk with an .xlsx file.

  1. From the “Templates” menu, export the list of all templates

  2. On the spreadsheet, delete all rows except the row of the headers and the templates you’d like to use

  3. Fill in the image URLs to the appropriate fields on the template and save the file

  4. Drag & drop files from your computer, or click on the file icon to select the file you’d like to upload.

  5. Newly created images will be displayed in “Output Images”

Editing an existing image:

  1. Find the image you’d like to edit

  2. Press “edit” on the right

  3. Edit the image as desired (e.g. reference images, dimensions, meta tags, layout, etc)

  4. Press “update”

Edit images in bulk:

  1. Under “Output Images”, press “Export” to download the list of images

  2. Edit the spreadsheet as desired and save the file

  3. Press “Bulk Edit”, drag & drop the file from your computer, or click on the file icon to select the file you’d like to upload.

  4. The edits will be reflected in the “Output Images” menu

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