
Templates let you build templates to create lots of product descriptions in a particular format, for example,

header – main photo – brand story – care instructions

then you can build one template, and upload different sets of photos to build those templates. Finished templates can either be outputted into images or HTMLs.

After templates are created, you can expand it by press the “+” sign on the left, or by pressing the “+Expand” at the top, you’ll find time stamps to all the edits made to the template.

Creating a template:

  1. Press +Create

  2. Fill in a name for the template

  3. Build your template (in HTML) in the empty space on the left

*Place holders can be created with double curly open and closed braces – e.g. {{name your element}}

**A preview of the output can be viewed on the right

  1. (optional) Tags may also be added to templates to help better organize and search for specific templates in the future

  2. Once you’re satisfied with the template, you can press “Save as New”

Bulk create Templates:

Templates can also be created in bulk

  1. Press “Bulk Create”

  2. Download the sample "Create Templates" template

  3. Fill in the fields

a. Name: name of the template

b. metaTags: tags you’d like to use to better organize your templates

c. html: this is the actual template itself, written in html

d. type: can be either “image” or “html”

e. Columns from E and beyond corresponds to the placeholder names used throughout the templates

f. Once all the fields for the templates are filled, save the file (.csv, .xls, .xlsx)

  1. Drag & drop files from your computer, or click on the file icon to select the file you’d like to upload.

  2. Your newly created template will appear in “Templates”

Editing an existing template:

  1. Find the template you’d like to edit

  2. Press “edit” on the right

  3. Edit the template as desired (e.g. name, content, layout, image width, meta tags, etc)

  4. Press “update”

Edit templates in bulk:

  1. Press “Bulk Edit”

  2. Export your current templates

  3. Edit the fields you’d like to change

a. Name: name of the template

b. metaTags: tags you’d like to use to better organize your templates

c. html: this is the actual template itself, written in html

d. type: can be either “image” or “html”

e. Columns from E and beyond corresponds to the placeholder names used throughout the templates

f. Once all the fields for the templates are filled, save the file (.csv, .xls, .xlsx)

  1. Drag & drop files from your computer, or click on the file icon to select the file you’d like to upload.

  2. Your newly edited template will appear in “Templates”

Create an image/html using templates:

  1. Find the template you’d like to use, and press “edit”

  2. Populate fields you like to fill with desired images or texts

  3. Choose the output type (either Image or HTML)

  4. Press “Generate Image” or “Generate HTML”

  5. Newly created images will be displayed in “Output Images” and Newly generated HTMLs will be displayed in “Output HTMLs”

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